Understanding the financial ramifications of buying a new home can be well…mind numbing. At Obsidian Financial services, we believe in demystifying the entire loan process for you. We have taken the most common financial considerations and created this page to allow you to look at every potential scenario when it comes to either buying a new home or refinancing an existing one.
We are here to help. If you need help navigating this sometimes complex and daunting task, let our financial experts help you. You can visit our states page and locate the state you are living in and pick your loan officer from there, and you can even start the loan application process using our short form to give us some basic information about your lending goals.
If you are already decided, choose our long form, create an account and you can control the entire process from our website, from application to providing us documents to payments and e-signing your documents, we have you covered. At Obsidian, we want you to feel like you are part of our family, and experience lending the Obsidian Way!
15 Vs 30 Year Mortgage